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"How To Properly Build a 6-Figure Business"
Watch Below To Discover How I Land (And Keep) High-Paying Clients While Bringing Them Results They've Never Seen Before!
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TL;DR - Use ads to make yourself and your clients a lot of money so you can quit your job, do cool stuff, and enjoy your life. How? Book a call with us and apply to join our program.
What If You Could Land Clients AND Get Them Results In Less Than 24 Hours?!
Now you can... with this program, you just unlocked a million-dollar arsenal of digital marketing tools!
Joshua T. Osborne

Josh is a highly successful digital marketer and entrepreneur, whose agency brings in $300-400,000 in recurring revenue every single month. As a long-time business/entrepreneurship coach, he’s helped hundreds of everyday folks start their own agencies and achieve financial freedom.
Sean Kochel

Sean is a professional media buyer (that’s fancy talk for “ads guy”) who manages millions of dollars in monthly ad spend (including about $1.5 million a year for Josh). Sean usually doesn’t take clients who spend less than $50k a month on ads, but he’s agreed to share his secrets exclusively with members of this program.
Inside this program, we’re giving you all the skills you need to go out and help virtually any business…

See, if you want to scale a business in the 21st Century, online ads aren’t an option - they’re a requirement.

And There Are Millions Of Local Businesses In This Country Who Are JUST NOW Waking Up To This Reality
These business owners are desperate for someone just like you to help them navigate the world of online ads.

This program will show you step-by-step h
ow to:

Find these clients 
Run high-converting, profitable ads
Multiply YOUR income and your clients' income
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5 Reasons Why Mastering Online Ads Is An Almost Guaranteed Path To 6-Figures:
3 "Money" Reasons
2 "Happiness" Reasons

Reason #1
30 MILLION Local Businesses Need Them
You have no idea how many local businesses still rely on super old-school methods to get customers…
Yellow Pages
Newspaper Ads
Even word-of-mouth isn’t what it used to be. It’s easier to Google “Roofer Indianapolis” and click the ad right at the top than it is to ask your friends who they recommend.

Sure, some business owners want to stay small. But for any business that wants to grow, referrals will only do so much.

They NEED ads in order to maximize their customer base and profits.
TL;DR - Money...Book A Call
Reason #2
Give Yourself A Raise Every Single Month!
The logic here is simple:

The better results you get for your clients, the more money you make!

If they pay you $1,000 in month 1, and they make $15,000 in PROFITS, they're not going to ask you for a discount in month 2...

They're going to ask "what happens if I pay you $2,000 this month?"

And it just keeps growing from there!

A good client never gets complacent. They never stop wanting to grow.

And as you help THEM make more money, YOU make more money too.

TL;DR - Money...Book A Call
Reason #3
Online Ads Are The FASTEST Way To Get Results For Clients
There is no better way to get results this quickly for clients...

You can turn on the tap and send a stream of paying customers to your client within 24 hours!

Imagine how happy they'll be when they make back everything they paid you practically overnight...

They'll be begging to pay you more to keep it coming.

And if you're thinking: "Well what about SEO?"


Maybe you've already got an agency and you're an SEO all-star.

We all know SEO is a fantastic long-term play: you put in a lot of work up front, grind it out for a few months, and then you just do the monthly maintenance to keep collecting that mailbox money.

But the key there is "LONG-TERM".

Most business owners don’t have the patience or luxury to wait 3-6 months for results. They need to start bringing in new revenue TODAY.

If you didn't have the Ad Skills you'll develop in our program, 
you’d have to let these potential clients go.

Now, though, you can help these business owners in as little as 24 hours, and keep helping them and scaling up forever!

TL;DR - Money...Book A Call
TL;DR - Money...Book A Call
Dayum Sean, I Want Some of Dat $$$
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TL;DR - Money...Book A Call
Reason #4
This Is ACTUALLY Something You Can Do From Anywhere
Look, this part’s simple...

If you’ve got a client paying you $500, $1,000, even $2,000 a month for ads management in a certain niche...

And if they’re seeing results (which they almost definitely are, if you follow what we teach you in the program)…

You should have no problem landing 5-10 more clients in that same niche.

If they're all in different parts of the country, you just set up the exact same campaign, make some slight tweaks, and turn them on.

With 10 clients paying you $500 to $2,000 per month...

And only needing a few hours a week to keep everything up...

You could be living that laptop lifestyle in no time.

That's the goal, right? Drinking coconuts on the beach while working?

This business model might just get you there!

TL;DR - Happiness...Book A Call
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Reason #5
YOU Get To Decide Your Level Of Work
This is not a business where it's "all or nothing". It's not a self-created job.

You grow as much or as little as you want. It's not one of those things where you've gotta work 80-hour weeks in the beginning to make money.

Yeah, it's a bit harder at first, then it gets easier.

Now, if you want to grow and grow and grow, that's totally an option, and we're here to help you do it. It takes more work, but we're here for you.

But if you just want a side hustle, an extra vacation or two a year, you can do it pretty easily and reliably. Then, go ahead and coast for a bit.

The choice is yours, and that's exactly the beauty of this business model...

YOU decide how hard you work. 

TL;DR - Happiness...Book A Call
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Why Our Program Is The #1 Choice For Mastering Online Ads
We’ve been building this program for over 2 years...after spending a combined 15 years perfecting these strategies for our own clients!

We originally wanted to release this in mid-2020, but every time we were ready to open the doors, we realized there was so much more we could offer.

Here’s the thing: we’re not “has-been” experts who found one good Facebook strategy a few years ago and now make a living selling some shitty outdated course.

We’re both agency owners. We still manage our own clients. And in order to get them the best results, we need to constantly be learning, improving, updating our own skill sets and strategies.

And over the last year, we learned A LOT. Managing millions of dollars in ad spend during a pandemic will do that to you.

So, we just kept on updating the program.

Finally, we realized something: there’s no way we could put all our knowledge into this program.


We made it incredibly dynamic!

The only way we were willing to release this program and put both our names on it is if we made the training ongoing.

So that’s what we’re doing...every Thursday, we’re going live in the exclusive member’s Facebook group to show you new discoveries from the world of ad buying.

We’ll be doing live ad critiques, going into your ads manager, and tweaking your ads and campaigns in real time.

Every week, you get new knowledge that builds on what you get inside the actual course. Inside our program, you’ll discover new secrets, rules, and strategies that will blow your clients (and your competition) away!

Keep in mind that most agencies manage less than $50,000 in ads per month. Sean manages MILLIONS! And with that much money to spend, he HAS to perform at a higher level...so he naturally finds ways to keep improving.

Now, as a member of our program, YOU get to tap into HIS genius!
Here's just a tiny sneak peak of what you get when you join:
The “Guaranteed Success Formula” Which Shows You How To Flood Your Clients With New Customers, AND Extract More Money From Them Than Their Existing Customers (Hint: If You Can Bring A Client New Customers That Are More Valuable Than The Ones They Already Have, You WIN. Period.)
Premium “6 Steps To Close” Training, Josh’s Proprietary Prospecting & Sales Blueprint. The 6 Steps Show You How To Have Ads Clients BEGGING To Work With You
The A-To-Z Of Facebook Ads: Prepare To Have Your Mind Blown...Everything You Were Ever Taught About Online Ads Is A LIE! We’re Going To Rebuild Your Understanding Of This World From The Ground Up, And It’s Going To Make You Unstoppable
 The Auction Model: How To Spend LESS Money On Ads Than The Competition And Get BETTER Results
 Why Almost All “Conventional Wisdom” Around Facebook Isn’t Just Wrong, It’s The Exact Opposite Of What You Need To Do
 Ad-Based Mind Control: How To Infiltrate The Customer’s Brain And Get Them To Do Whatever You Want
 “The Art Of Ad Copy”: How To Write Ads So Compelling That Prospects Are Basically Throwing Money At You Or Your Client Before They Even Know Who You Are
 How A Kids Fairy Tale Gives You An Unfair Advantage Over Every Other Ad Buyer Out There
 Everything You Need To Know About Google Ads, And How To Combine Them With Facebook To 10X Your Results!
 Advanced Facebook AND Google Ads Strategies
 How To Scale Up Your Ad Campaigns Without Blowing Up Your Budget Or Getting Your Account Banned 
While this information alone is worth tens of thousands of dollars (because it could easily make you hundreds of thousands once you know it), we wanted to take it one step further.

So in addition to the most value-bomb-filled ads buying program on the internet, we’re also putting you right at the finish line!

We’re giving you the exact tools you need to get an ad campaign and funnel set up and pumping out customers in minutes…

 33 Done-For-You Facebook Ad Funnels For 33 Different Niches -> That Means The Exact Ad Copy, Images, Targeting Settings, And Complete Landing Page. All You Need To Do Is Connect The Dots And Turn It On!
Niches Include Gyms, Hair Salons, HVAC, Laser Hair Removal, Dentists, Photographers, Kitchen And Bathroom Remodeling, Mortgages, Roofing, And DOZENS MORE
 31 Done-For-You Google Ads Funnels...These Are Complete, Fully Uploadable Plug-And-Play Funnels. Just Add Clients!
 Badass Follow-Up Systems - This Is How You Blow Your Competition Out Of The Water And Get Better Results At A Lower Cost Than Anyone Else...Just Implement These Follow-Up Systems And Watch Your Clients’ Eyes Explode Looking At All The Profits You Bring Them
Because we’re also throwing in a whole bunch of bonuses, and adding more every week, including:
 Email Black Magic: Discover Sean’s Top-Secret Outreach System That Turns Complete Strangers Into Hot Prospects Who’ll Bang Down Your Door Until You Agree To Run Their Ads!
 Done-For-You Agency Ads: Hate Cold Outreach? Well, Just Use This System (Which Includes Lead Magnets) To Have Potential Clients Come To YOU! You Won’t Have To Prove Much If Your Ad Brings Them To The Table. At That Point, You Just Tell ‘Em How Much And They’ll Sign The Check!
 Additional Ad Copy: Ads Eventually Go Stale, Which Is Why We’re Updating Our Ad Vault With Additional Copy And Creative For Every Niche! Never Let Your Ads Run Out Of Juice Ever Again
And this list keeps on growing every week!
After every group coaching call, we realize there’s more our students need as they grow their agencies.

So we’re always adding new resources to the program.

We’ve put everything together in one place to make sure you’ve got everything you need to succeed.

All you have to do is say yes.

So if you’re ready, just hit the button below, book your call, and get ready for a 6-figure agency that will change your life forever!

See you soon,
Joshua T. Osborne & Sean Kochel
I'm Ready To Double My Income In The Next 3 Months!
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P.S. Still on the fence? Check out even more testimonials and success stories below
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